Humans have a skeleton. Fishes have fishbones. Scooters have decks.
That’s our backbone.
On 15.02.2021, we introduced the worldwide first production freestyle scooter for the ice.
Try it. It’s AMAZING !
Our icescooter is the easiest way to ride on ice to date.
Suprisingly stable. You will feel at ease on the ice the first minute. The low center of gravity provides great stability to the ride and the wide bar a strong righting moment.

No need to change shoes. Wrapping our ice cleats over your current shoes will give ample stability on the ice. Our proprietary ice cleat design ensures firm grip to the ice, also during the kicking motion.
It is very agile ! The freedom of movement on the front skate allows for tight turns and “figure scootering”. Stunt scooter riders throw 180’s and 360’s in minutes.
It comes either as a complete ice scooter, or as a kit for stunt/ freestyle scooters.